Migrant workers offer opportunities, not threats

The facts speak for themselves. Research by the NBBU (Nederlandse Bond van Bemiddelings- en Uitzendondernemingen) shows that the combined some 120,000 migrant workers in the Netherlands do not displace labor. And that the vast majority of employment agencies provide good housing.

"Labor migrants are desperately needed to keep the economy running," said Nico Geerlings, director Flexible Human Services. "Here in Bollenstreek , without these labor migrants, many companies would have to disappear to regions with more labor potential, which would ultimately mean job losses across the board. Migrant workers provide us with far more than they cost us, and thus offer opportunities. And with the economy picking up, the demand for good, hard-working immigrant workers will only increase."

He stresses the importance of good housing in times of growth and tightness in the housing market. "That requires, no, that demands a lot of inventiveness, creativity and joint effort from all parties involved."

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