Sustainable business

Like many other companies and individuals, Flexible Human Services would like to do its part for a better environment by making smart choices. In this context, we have had 80 solar panels installed on our flat roof of the office building. This way we contribute to the generation of sustainable energy.

In addition, in the future we will be more concerned with separating our company waste, and we will no longer drink our coffee from paper cups, but from mugs. In the office, several rooms are equipped with motion sensors, so the lights are not on unnecessarily. Finally, we prefer to work with local suppliers: not only do we stimulate the local economy this way, we also put less of a burden on the environment because the products or services travel a shorter distance.

Sustainable business in our profession is also about establishing lasting relationships with our employees and - especially - temporary workers. This is also becoming an increasingly important pillar for Flexible Human Services.

We are curious: how are you doing your part?